Monday, June 16, 2008

'We have multiple Dradis contact'

People make fun of me, but I don't care. I like the new version of "Battlestar Galactica," which just concluded it's mid-season finale on Friday night.

It's a good show that hides political commentary from today's headlines in a science fiction show. It gets away with things other shows can't because it's all masked in a science fiction show.

I agree that the show ABC aired decades ago was garbage. But this new show is entirely different. It's moody, thought provoking and well written.

The evil Cylons have also changed. They evolved from the robots from the first series to the woman pictured above in the current series. Now that's progress.


Benjamin Rubenstein said...

If that girl is in the show then I'd never make fun of you for watching.

Anonymous said...

it seems this show is pretty much selling itself out...blatantly, might I add...just to pull in ratings.

my good friend benjamin rubenstein just proved my point, too. add in an attractive blonde to a show, and you'll pick up bandwagon fans that are there for one (well, two to be honest) reason(s).

progress? sheer subjection.

Jon Jimison said...

Lighten up, David.