Monday, May 5, 2008

The summer movie shuffle

Summer movies finally got into full swing this past weekend when "Iron Man" hit around $100 million at the box office, not "Spider-Man" numbers, but not bad. The hit parade continues this weekend with "Speed Racer," based on the popular cartoon of long ago. Then on May 16, we get "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian." It wasn't the second book in the series, but they are making it into the second movie quickly so the kids who starred in the first movie won't be 40 years old before it's made. On May 22, we get "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," which will probably be the biggest movie of the summer. You have Harrison Ford, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. What else do you need?


Anonymous said...

Yes, Harrison Ford, now 85, and George Lucas, whose career died after making Episode I, are exactly what we ordered for the biggest movie of the summer.


Bring back Danny Boyle and decent horror films.

Jon Jimison said...

For quality horror, wait until September and you'll have "Blindness" starring Julianne Moore and directed by Fernando Meirelles who did "City of Men" and "City of God." I hear it's opening the Cannes Film Festival and screening in competition there. That's a good sign.