Friday, May 2, 2008

Strange e-mails, UFOs, presidential candidates and legless lizards

We get a a lot of e-mail. One of the most unusual recent e-mails came from the X-Conference convention. Topics of this conference included "The connection between presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton, and the UFO/ET issue," "The connection between President Bill Clinton and the UFO/ET issue," "The connection between other presidential candidates and the UFO/ET issue."

The X-Conference "focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena - exopolitics."

Exopolitics? That's a new one for me. It goes on to talk about an ongoing advocacy effort "seeking to end the government imposed truth embargo on formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race."

You can tell I was never a fan of "The X Files." But I'm a big enough movie fan to know there's a new "X Files" movie coming out this summer.

While not really strange, another e-mail proved to be at least interesting. It seems they discovered a new species in Brazil -- a legless lizard.

"The lizard, of the Bachia genus, resembles a snake due to its lack of legs and pointed snout, which help it move across the predominantly sandy soil formed by the natural erosion of the escarpments of the Serra Geral. Other suspected new species include a dwarf woodpecker (genus Picumnus) and horned toad (genus Proceratophrys)."

The information on the lizard is from Conservation International.

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