Saturday, July 19, 2008

Taylor Hicks sports a devoted fanbase

Fellow blogger Adam Fenwick simply made the mention of Taylor Hicks in his blog one day, and the blog literally exploded in a heated debate with passionate arguments on both sides of the issue. It was interesting to watch as this pro-and-con debate unfolded.

Taylor Hicks, the 2006 winner of "American Idol," obviously has a loyal group of fans. He also has a fair amount of critics. I haven't heard much of the music of Taylor Hicks, but I can't see the point in actively seeking to tear him or anyone else down. I don't watch "American Idol." It's just not for me. But a lot of folks I know or work with follow it closely, never missing an episode. I will admit I did watch some of the episode last year that featured cover versions of Beatles songs.

But I digress. If Mr. Hicks makes his fans happy with his music, more power to them and him. Who can really argue with that? If everyone liked the same music and singers, there would be few choices out there and the music scene would be quite dull. Variety is the key -- something for everyone. How else can you explain Graham Cawthon's inclusion of A Flock of Seagulls in his weekly music column?


Anonymous said...

You tell me when Taylor was never in the bottom three. If he is so bad, why has he preformed with different singers from different genres of music, such as Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson, The Osmonds, he's preformed at the White House, twice, Keb Mo, Gladys Knight. Taylor has been granted permission to record in Ray Charles' studio by his estate, something no one else has done since his death. He has an early works album being released on Aug.12, that has a verson of Georgia on it. I don't know if he will use that opportunity to record it in that studio at that time. But it is an awesome version. I would love for the estate to give Taylor their blessing and release it as a single. American Idol put Taylor into a box that he didn't fit into. Now he is free to sing what moves people and what captured everyones attention. People who write negative things, I don't know what moves them, I just wish they would leave him alone, everybody sees something special in the type of music and artist they listen to, why should they take the time to bash that person. Taylor is a kind-hearted person who is very-involved in charity work. He will release his sophomore album this fall. His early works album, most of it was written by him, there are a few covers, but he has progressed in his writing and definitely has grown in his knowledge of the music industry. American Idol never once gave Taylor a video to go along with a song they released, 2 of them. He was the winner, but they clearly didn't want him to win. If you want someone to succeed on AI, let them drop out before they are declared the winner, around the 3rd space. They will benefit more. They will have more artistic freedom and as Taylor would wear his hat, Pay the Devil, he wasn't kidding. He was locked in a box he couldn't get out of, even after no help from his record label, even after 700,000 sales and no video, and basically being removed off the credits of the shows rolling of the winners at the beginning of the show. They dropped him from the label. I believe the rest of the story will come out as to why he was dropped, but thank goodness he was. Now Taylor can truly have his voice heard. P.S. I couldn't be happier for those who have already got a head start in the game, especially Kelley, nobody deserved it more than her besides Taylor and Chris.

Anonymous said...

This guy didn't write anything negative.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1
WTH? Did you even read the blogger's comments?
Devotion gone awry is obsession.


Anonymous said...

Jon your words ring so true. Thank you for saying what I've felt all along. If someone doesn't like Taylor than move on, there's no reason to have to bash someone or their fan base because you don't like the music. I wish all the nonsense would stop. Thanks again for seeing that we can all live in this world together.

Sunny said...

Well, Jon should be interesting what sort of fans show up. That first one is certainly something else.

Anonymous said...

Jon..Thanks for saying what all of Taylor's fans have been saying for a few years now...If you don't like his music that's OK with his fans ,to each his own, but please stop bashing the guy. Go..enjoy your guy, knock yourself out but give us the same respect and let us enjoy Taylor and his music.
Jon, if you get the time give Taylor's Early Works a listen. If you like bluesy stuff I;m sure you'll enjoy it