Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fear of a speeding ticket

The N.C. Highway Patrol really appears to be stepping up patrols as the Memorial Day weekend approaches.
Tuesday, on U.S. 74 between Shelby and Kings Mountain, I saw an active presence. At one point, a trooper took off from the median and approached my car. I thought it was over -- I was going to get my first speeding ticket. I pulled from the middle lane to the right lane to prepare to pull over to the side of the road.
To my relief, he got the guy three cars up from me instead. I'll definitely watch my speed on Wednesday (and every day that follows). My car was absolutely packed since I'm moving stuff from Gastonia to Shelby all week. If the trooper had pulled me over, it was going to look like I had just robbed a store or something. I'm keeping my house-closing documentation in the car all week -- just in case.

1 comment:

Lou S. Cannon said...

Hey, Leadfoot ... I'm glad to see your blog is up and running. Now you can stop chiding me for not checking it out. No more chiding, understand? I look forward to reading more on this blog, which will probably get more hits than my feeble little bloglet could ever hope to. Good luck ... we're all counting on you.