Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Am I addicted to this stuff?

Ever since I was a little kid, I've had chapped lips to some degree. I've gone through every lip balm and product on the market. I think I'm now officially addicted to the stuff. This picture is just from my medicine cabinet. Any opinions about what's best? And no, I'm not going cold turkey on the Chapstick. But it does seem like I've gone a bit overboard.


Anonymous said...

Haha, well, you're not alone! I too must be "addicted" to "lip stuff". I use to use Blistex, but as of the past 3 years, I've switched to Carmex (tube only). I have a tube in every room of my home, a couple in my pocket book, even have some in my car....which is awful on hot days because it's runny, but hey, it still "does the trick" :)! If I don't have any with me and I'm out somewhere, I freak out, so to speak, and have to stop and buy some! Hey, look at it this way...we'll always have nice smooth lips, haha!

Jon Jimison said...

I've used Carmex as well. My new favorite is Burt's Bees, the non-medicated variety. But I'll move on to something else eventually.

Anonymous said...

Blistex is the best.

Anonymous said...

I heard once you start using this stuff, you can't stop because your lips will be chronically chapped.

Anonymous said...

You probably lick your lips a lot, maybe without even realizing it.

Jon Jimison said...

There a big debate you can find on the Web on "lip balm addiction." Opinions differ on the subject. You can find an expert for any point of view. On the unknowingly licking lips and drying them out, well, that's probably right on the money.