Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer movies: The theaters are cool. Are the movies?

Here's what upcoming the the parade of summer movies:

June 6:

Kung Fu Panda: It's animated. The kids might love it. And it does feature the summer's funniest movie title.

June 13:
The Incredible Hulk (pictured): Everyone hated the last attempt at this franchise. I thought it was pretty good -- kind of a thinking person's superhero movie. This new one promises more action and less brooding.

The Happening: M. Night Shyamalan was the "it" director after "The Sixth Sense" and to a lesser degree, "Signs." Many people hated "Lady in the Water." I really liked the "The Village," which drew mixed reviews. This new one is rated R. I don't really know what to expect with this one. But I think Shyamalan is a good director who doesn't deserve some of the things that have been said about him and his movies.

June 20:
Get Smart: No thanks, I'll pass.

June 27:
Wall-E: It's Pixar ... and Disney. It'll make a fortune. I'll never see it.

July 2:
Hancock: It's a different take on the superhero movie. It looks funny with Will Smith playing the reluctant superhero. The trailer looks promising. This will be the big holiday movie.

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