Monday, December 31, 2007

Music lovers -- read this

Here's an eye-opening development for music lovers. According to legal arguments, the music industry is now saying if you legally buy a CD and copy that CD to your computer, you are breaking the law.

Check out the story:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dead deer

Dumping dead deer and deer parts in a creek is illegal, and a potential health hazard, officials say. Thankfully, you can't really see much here in this picture. But there are at least four dead deer and various parts of the animals dumped in this creek off Rippy Road in southern Cleveland County, right before you hit the South Carolina line. In fact, Rippy Road, which isn't paved, starts in North Carolina and ends in South Carolina.
We're working on a story on this (the deer, not the road).
This area of the county is beautiful, but deer isn't the only thing dumped here. You can also see tires in the creek. There are also various areas where people have dumped their trash along the road.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Gotham Times?

It looks like a newspaper. But, of course, it's not a real newspaper. It's what a PR department does when trying to promote a new movie, such as the new Batman movie scheduled to come out next year, in a unique way. The hope is they'll be a buzz surrounding it and people will actually read enough to want to see the movie. The link:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

No Country For Old Men

Remember the title of this movie: “No Country For Old Men.” It’s the first Coen brother masterpiece since “Fargo,” and it’s quickly becoming the most debated, discussed and fought over movie of the year. It’s violent and bleak, much like “Fargo,” but it requires more from the audience. You have to fill in the missing pieces and let your imagination complete some pivotal scenes. People love to debate the ending, so I’ll give nothing away. You’ll be hearing more about this movie come Academy Award time.